We have finally convinced Chris that he should not die on a dirt bike. Her is his new toy, and he loves it. It actually helps for when he can't find a 3rd person to go out on the boat with him.
This is a fun time that the girls had modeling with their own dolls! It was a little function that they did on the third floor before the show. I have a video that I hope to post!
Lexi really didn't believe that her Birthday was Tuesday the 8th. She thought it was today because this is the day we had her friends over and had a cake with 7 candles. So, she is finally 7 now! She had an American Girl party where they did the dolls hair and made crafts. It was very fun!
At the Edmiston household we have a Birthday week. The pictures below are the third party of the week. Our first was in Medford with our friends the Gwaltneys, the second was at Chili's with Aunt Sara and Grandpa Ro-Ro. The third was at Grandma and Grandpa's house with Grandma Carm! Grandma Carm gave Lex what she wanted all along, a BABY ALIVE! We'll let you know how that goes!