In honor of Abby Hoeffer, my mom getting mad at me for never posting anything new, for my friends who actually still check this tired old blog... I thought I would post something new! This is actually a funny story with no picture. But I will put something here anyway to make it look interesting. All that being said...
Last week, as most of you know I had some moles removed. Very exciting! Well, they gave me vicodin (housewives, please don't come ransack my cupboards- I heard about you all on Oprah-which I don't watch.) Anyway, I was really tired from the vicodin, so I took Ashli to have a nap with me and I gave Lexi my cell phone. I told her to only call Daddy and that was IT! So, two hours later I woke up to find Lex in the toy room on a 45 minute call with her Dad who was working on scaffolding at the building. Out of curiosity I looked at my recent calls and my texts. Well, here is what I saw for the dialed calls:
A Daddy (Chris)
Jesus (Our old lawn guy)
Dad (My Dad)
Starting at the bottom, I asked her why she called my Dad. She said that she thought she was actually calling her Dad. OK...
Then I asked her why she called Daddy. Was something wrong? What was up? She said, I just wanted to chat with someone...
Why did you call Jesus (pronounced Hay-soos), but I said Jesus. And she said, "I just wanted to see who would answer." I asked her what he said to her, and she said, "oh nothing, I hung up on him!!!"
Well, as if that wasn't all. She texted Amy Elliott and said...(spelled exactly this way)
I am sary I can not tack your call rite nou.
Daddy please call utherwise tex me.
Moral to the story...
Don't take vicodin and give your cell phone to the children!!!