In honor of Abby Hoeffer, my mom getting mad at me for never posting anything new, for my friends who actually still check this tired old blog... I thought I would post something new! This is actually a funny story with no picture. But I will put something here anyway to make it look interesting. All that being said...
Last week, as most of you know I had some moles removed. Very exciting! Well, they gave me vicodin (housewives, please don't come ransack my cupboards- I heard about you all on Oprah-which I don't watch.) Anyway, I was really tired from the vicodin, so I took Ashli to have a nap with me and I gave Lexi my cell phone. I told her to only call Daddy and that was IT! So, two hours later I woke up to find Lex in the toy room on a 45 minute call with her Dad who was working on scaffolding at the building. Out of curiosity I looked at my recent calls and my texts. Well, here is what I saw for the dialed calls:
A Daddy (Chris)
Jesus (Our old lawn guy)
Dad (My Dad)
Starting at the bottom, I asked her why she called my Dad. She said that she thought she was actually calling her Dad. OK...
Then I asked her why she called Daddy. Was something wrong? What was up? She said, I just wanted to chat with someone...
Why did you call Jesus (pronounced Hay-soos), but I said Jesus. And she said, "I just wanted to see who would answer." I asked her what he said to her, and she said, "oh nothing, I hung up on him!!!"
Well, as if that wasn't all. She texted Amy Elliott and said...(spelled exactly this way)
I am sary I can not tack your call rite nou.
Daddy please call utherwise tex me.
Moral to the story...
Don't take vicodin and give your cell phone to the children!!!
I am so honored!!! Thanks for the great post and hilarious story! Can't wait to see many more posts and hopefully pictures so you can join me when Oprah calls for her show on famous mommy-bloggers.
Hilarious! That's so awesome. :o)
Gotta love kids! I'm glad you've written this story down... See? Now you won't ever forget it nor will Lexi! Blogging is great in that you get to document special things like that... However, I haven't figured out yet how to save all my entries. Do you ever wonder what would happen if blogger.com comes out of business??? Anyone?
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