Tuesday, March 25, 2008

And Now... Deep Thoughts!!

Sometimes, I look at my blog to see if it has been updated for me. And, it never is. It kinda reminds me of when I wake up in the morning and I look to see if someone has cleaned my house for me in the middle of the night. And, that doesn't happen either.

~Dana Edmiston


Abby said...

If you give me your password I could go ahead and update if for you. I will however not clean your house in the middle of the night.....

Chris and Dana said...

Yes abs of steel! That is a great idea. I could send you pictures and you could make up really cool stories about them!

Jessica said...

WOW! - I LOVE the deep thought...maybe that's what you can do to be different...post a deep thought everyday! :) - that'll get people reading! :)